Diagnosis of
- Venous Diseases
- Arterial Diseases
- Lymphatic Diseases
With non-invasive conservative methods of treatment:
- CW-Doppler Sonography
- Colour Duplexsonography
- Vascular Closure Phlethysmography
- Treadmill Ergometry
In the case of supplementary radiologic examinations and treatment methods minimal-harm methods are preferred.
Phlebographies and contrast medium using techniques are only of a marginal use nowadays.
Therapeutic Methods and Treatment
Conservative Methods
- Ulcer treatment
- Wound management of chronic wounds
- Diabetic Foot treatment (Diabetic Foot Syndrom)
- Infusion Therapy (PAVK)
Interventional Methods
- Vascular expansion with balloon catheter (PTA Stentimplantation)
- Combined treatment measures (Hybrid Methods)
- Bypass of vascular closure
- Carotid artery surgery
- Treatment of Vascular Protrusions (Aneurysma)
- Surgery on varicose veins
- Implantation of Dialysis Fistula (Haemodialysis after kidney failure)
- Surgery on vascular Malformations
Lymphological treatment (after leg swelling)
- Primary lymph oedema
- Lymph oedema after cancer surgery
- Lipolymph oedema (Cellulites)
Special Woundtherapy
- In co-operation with the wound centre Frankfurt (Wundzentrum Frankfurt)
Expertise Opinion on issues by insurance association (BG), private insurances and issues of social medicine.
- Orthovas (Institute of Special Medical Expertise)